Yagna on Shrimad Bhagavat Canto 7- Glory of Divine Goodness (21-28 August 2009)
The Chinmaya Mission of South Africa organized an eight- day discourse on the topic “Glory of Divine Goodness” based on the character of Bhakta Prahlad from Shreemad Bhagawat-Canto 7. Many devotees turned up to enjoy the discourses that were held at the Durban Ashram from the 21st to 28th August 2009 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.
Swamiji beautifully elaborated on the intense faith and complete surrender of Prahlad. Swamiji mentioned that the faith of a person is tested in adversity and only Love brings out that assurance and faith. The nine forms of devotion were also described in detail.
On the last day of the Yagna, Samashti Bheeksha was organized. Devotees that had come from far and wide had thoroughly enjoyed the discourses and left the ashram yearning to hear more of the wonderful character of Bhakta Prahlad who always had the Lord in his heart.
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