Br. Vandan Chaitanya
Brahmachari Vandan Chaitanya is currently posted at Chinmaya Mission Durban, South Africa. He has completed a Master’s Degree in Technology in Homoeopathy from the Durban University of Technology. Vandan had a desire to pursue a monastic life for many years and feels extremely blessed to be initiated as a brahmachari of the Chinmaya Mission monastic order as well have the opportunity to study our sacred scriptures under the tutelage of Pujya Swami Abhedanandaji.
Vandan visited the Chinmaya Ashram in Durban on a few occasions prior to the commencement of the 2 year residential Vedanta Course and is grateful to a devotee for his role in Vandan doing the Vedanta Course.
Vandan will always be indebted to Pujya Swami Abhedanandaji and the Chinmaya Mission for everything that he has received, and desires that he may one day become a worthy instrument to serve God and Guru in whatever manner they will.