Pointers for Blissful Living – Part 1 (1-6 January 2014)
There was an auspicious start to the New Year as the Chinmaya Mission of South Africa organized a series of spiritual discourses by Pujya Swami Abhedanandaji. The talks were held at the ashram premises at 159 Road 703 from 6:30 pm to 8:00pm from the 1st January to the 6th January 2014. The talks were based on the Ayodhya Kand of the Shri Ramcharitmanas.
The talks which drew a crowd of more than a 100 people everyday and devotees listened attentively as Swamiji described Lord Ram’s humble disposition when he approached Valmiki as to where He, Mother Sita and Laksman should reside. Swamiji explained that even in the most ugliest of situations, we can make our minds very beautiful. It was discussed that Sita represents( bhakthi) devotion – the personification of thirst of Lord Ram while Laksmanji is (vairagya) dispassion which creates anger against our negativities.
Swamiji highlighted how the power of surrender and prayer is tremendous and that every situation brings out emotions of a person. When a person is a humble devotee then he accepts Lord’s bitter situation as sweet and his acceptability increases. Swamiji elaborated that a person can check himself to see if he is performing his duties and living a life of righteousness if 1)there is no fear & guilt 2)desire for the higher increases and 3) he gains more credibility.
It was also mentioned how Valmiki ‘s speech was dipped in nectar whenever he spoke. Swamiji also mentioned that when a person increases in his spiritual practices like pooja, jaap and love for the Lord, then his speech becomes more sweeter, deep and it’s harshness goes away. Swamiji pointed out that speech is a manifestation of thought and if the thought of love of Lord is increases, then the speech will definatly change. Attending Swamiji’s discourses, invokes the desire to have a closer relation with the Lord of the universe who can do anything and everything.
Swamiji expounded on the metaphor that Lord Ram resides in that person’s heart whose ears are like the ocean and katha is like the rivers. This is a person who has extreme love for satsang. When we love someone, we get joy seeing and listening about that person. The depth of a person is nothing but the quantity of faith in a person. When depth is not in the heart, then he doesn’t like satsang. The misfortune of a person is that he has a crisis of poverty and faith in the heart.
Swamiji elaborated on the three rivers, Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati. The Ganges is like Ram-bhakthi, a molten form of compassion. Yamuna is karmyog and Saraswati is like gyanyog. Swamiji explained how our whole life passes experiencing joys and sorrows. This experience of joy/sorrow, strength/weakness, purity/impurity and lonelinless – all depends on who is in the mind. Swamiji re-iterated that our minds should be a vibrant powerhouse. There is extreme power and divinity in us but we are unaware of it.
The river Yamuna is compared to karmyog. The river is constantly flowing and it gives life to many. It was discussed by Swamiji how every action has heaviness, tension and element of fear but when it is surrendered , it loses its poison and the darkness goes away. Yamuna merges in Ganges, likewise action should take to devotion. The purpose of action is to make us humbler and purify us freeing us from hatred and attachment. That action which takes us closer to God is sewa. As the Saraswati river merges in the Ganges which merges in the ocean , our actions should also lead us to devotion which ultimately culminates in fulfilment and being one with the Lord.